[Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism in pregnancy]
Maciej Kostrubiec, Nikola Niewegłowska, Piotr Pruszczyk
Ginekologia Polska
Pregnancy and puerperium increase the risk of venous thromboembolic disease. As it is potentially life-threatening, all patients with the suspicion of pulmonary embolism require proper diagnosis and, possibly treatment. Venous ultrasonography is usually applied. However; in most cases the examinations with the use of ionized radiation--computer tomography or scintigraphy--are indispensable. In treatment of pulmonary embolism, low molecular weight heparins play the key role. However; in case of dramatic pulmonary embolism with shock and hypotension, thrombolytic therapy may be necessary. Low molecular weight heparins as well as oral anticoagulants can be used after the delivery.